We LOVE the Little Babies

Check out the video of team loving on the kids of Haiti. Just click on the picture of Stephanie above. (For some reason, I couldn't upload it without uploading the other two videos)

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A Safe Place

Donna Wynot
We came together with each one of us being at different stages of our faith, but this didn't matter when we hit Haiti's ground. We were all there for a reason and we all had a part in God's plan. Never once did anyone over shadow another team member. The team offered a safe place for one to step out of their comfort box and try new things.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

All nations will serve Him Psalm 72:11

Adelle Morales
“Amazing Grace how sweet the sound…..” As my Lord went ahead clearing the way for us, we not only arrive to Oxnard California safe, but saved.  I am amazed by the ways in which my Lord works each individual’s hearts; Blows me away to know that He has a perfect plan custom made for each of us way before we are not bigger that a grain of rice inside a mother’s womb, He knew us even before we were created.  I thought I had seen it all, and I did, but I never felt God’s presence as strong as I felt it in Haiti “…..Was blind but now I see” I am back home with a heart gushing with the joy, drenched with  compassion, and with my eyes as testimony for my Fathers’ Glory. I sat quiet and still with Chris Tomlin's version of "Amazing Grace" on the background, waiting to hear from my Redeemer, but I felt  the urge to open my eyes, there was nothing else but the  screen saver of my computer, there I stared at it for a minute, the picture of a colorful  “tap tap” bright and bold, they are short bed pickup trucks made into one of the most common transportation for people In Haiti (besides walking) a truck welded with recycled metals and posts, overly adorned with every color there is on the face of the earth, affordable and full over the limit with people of all ages (if there is such thing as the word “limit” in their language) This time  I took a closer look the picture I shot randomly on our way to the airport, it read; “ Exodus 14:14” I immediately got up to open my bible and read:  “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still”  (NIV) Immediately I open every picture of “tap,taps” I shot, one after the other, amused I  found myself before an undiscovered treasure, I had look at those pictures many times, but this time what I found added an invaluable price to each one of them. A big bus with the back window painted with Jesus Christ on the dying on the cross, it is parked right next to a voodoo temple, Haiti is clearly divided with mighty warriors  of God and an army of soldiers working for the enemy, a coincidence? Not definitely. I don't think there are lukewarm Christians in Haiti, all of them believe with all their might or don't, that simple. “My chains are gone I’ve been set free My God, my Savior has ransomed me…..”  I marveled with each picture I discover, yet I had them with me all along:  “One God, Jehovah” “Merci Jesus (2)” “Christ Capable” “Thank you Jesus (4)” “Grace Devine” “Merci Christ (2)” “Ebenezer” “Adonai” “De Jesus” “Exodus 19:19-20“  Speak to us yourself, and we will listen” “But do not have God speak to us or we will die” “Moses said to the people: “Do not be afraid, God has come to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning” WOW AMEN! What my God is telling me in every picture is clear: Common denominator in Haiti “Christ” The Message for all “Hope” God’s word in motion all right! By foot or in wheels, written or spoke, but Alive Praise His Holy name!!! Throughout the part of the country we traveled, random pictures became visible testimonies for the people who were waiting for my safe return back home, and strangers I meet and share the word with, with pictures no words are needed, all we have to have is Faith. “Unending love, Amazing Grace”.
“Amazing Grace” by John Newton.

God is Bigger...

Jamie Sasien
Tuesday morning we went to a school for ages K-8. The school had been destroyed in the earthquake, like many others. Due to a debt of 60K they are unable to rebuild. Each classroom is packed and each student shares a seat. They cannot take any more students as they do not have any more space. There is concern of Cholera as there is no bathroom as they had also been destroyed. My heart broke when they said that some kids come to school and had no food or drink and the school didn't have any money to provide this for those that were in need. For $100/year you can send a child to school for $1200 they can build two more classrooms. How many of us could easily help send a child to school or help in rebuilding two classrooms. Our group gave money from our heart to buy food and water to have on hand for those that may need it. We also said we would like to partner with this school, if you feel the urge to help please let me know.

After lunch we went out for more prayer walks. We met a women that had been injured during the earthquake. She had a building fall on her and both of her legs had been injured. One leg was saved with surgery while the other leg had to be amputated. Her right leg is weak and she has a hard time standing for long periods of time. She asked for prayer because she is staying at a friends house and she does not know how long she will be able to stay there. She also has no one to help her with her three children. In addition, because of her injury she cannot work and provide food for her children. We walked away knowing God is bigger than all of these problems.

It's all good...

Kathy Ford
Miss being on "Haiti Time" (huh Phil?) being back in the rat race trying to catch up...going from God time to corporate america time.  It has been challenging to re-adapt to life with the new perspective God has given me.  Even something as small as purchasing a Dunkin Donuts Iced Latte (uumm...Kath you could feed a Haitian family for a day hello what are you doing).  Emotions are like a roller coaster in addition to haven taken ill and exhaustion.  It's all good....it's all good.

Monday, November 22, 2010

God Made Us Family

Sarah Roy
After attending a wonderful memorial service for our church member, Don Hersey last night, I discovered a prayer written on the back on his "In Memory Of" card & for me, it summed up my new found love for humanity & Haiti in particular:

God made us a family
We need one another
We love one another
We forgive one another
We work together
We play together
We worship together
Together we use God’s Word
Together we grow in Christ
Together we love all men
Together we serve our God
Together we hope for Heaven
Together are our hopes and ideals
Help us attain them, O God.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Back in the US... back in the US... back in the USA

Glen Boardman
Short post, here but just to say that we're back and we're getting on the plane from Miami in 15 minutes.  We'll be posting lots of things here soon, so keep in touch.  For now, check out the video above (Click on the video on the right (the one with Stephanie holding the baby).  It's called "We LOVE the little Children)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Forever Changed

Nancy Hellmann
beautiful faces with eyes of hope
wisdom of the faithful heart
amid destruction   no despair
but the knowledge God is near
tarps for shelter where homes once stood
lives forever changed
but in the rubble glory comes
Jesus hears and Jesus saves
a man who did not know before
now has a Savior evermore
Jesus, too had no home
so in all he understands
with compassion he responds
to send our hearts and hands
a brief time here to share his love
and learn more of his truth
so true religion we live each day
to see the need to help and pray
when we leave with eyes of hope
and hearts forever changed

The "Take Home"

Kathy Ford
The needy. The oppressed.
The hungry... so very hungry.
How can God allow this I ask.
How can I/me/we/you/us/ allow this?

Heart breaking. Gut wrenching.
The "take home" at the end of the day...


These beautiful, happy, loving, friendly people of Haiti
don't need our pity...
They need our compassion

Safe and Secure in the arms of God

Glen Boardman
Blessed is he who has regard for the weak; the Lord deliviers him in times of trouble.
The Lord will protect him and preserve his life;
He will bless him in the land and not surrender him to the desire of his foes.  Psalm 41:1-2

Sorry there haven't been any posts for the last few days.  We had sporadic power, little internet, and then my computer decided to die.  But, now I'm able to spend a few minutes to let you know that we're all doing absolutely fantastic.  We've heard about the violence that is happening in the capitol city of Port au Prince and in some of the rural areas.  We are not near these places, and EVERYONE we've met has been very open and loving toward us.  We feel safe walking the dark streets at night with our interpreters leading the way. (Actually, with God leading the way).  So - family, friends, church and everyone that is reading,  be at peace with our situation.  We'll be home soon and can't wait to share what we've seen and done.  God has been working in us and through us to accomplish so many great things.  Others on the team will share things soon.  We appreciate your love, concern and prayers... keep 'em coming!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Woman of Faith

Tim Polychronis & Donna Wynott
Today, we met a woman of amazing faith in Christ.  She told us that just 11 days before the eathquake hit (it hit Haiti on Jan 12th), someone spoke a word of encouragement into her life saying, "you will minister to very many people and will tell of what Jesus has done for you."   The day of the earthquake, her home was completely destroyed to a pile of rubble.  Buried beneath the rubble, were her two teenage daughters.  After 4 hours of diggin for her children, she found them both... battered, but alive!  She dropped to her knees there on the rubble, raised her hands and said "Praise God! my babies are alive!"  Since that day, she has shared her story of God's goodness and mercy to everyone she meets.

Today, We Began to Learn Compassion

Glen Boardman
"If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from His love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being likeminded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.  Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others."   Philippians 2:1-2

The word compassion comes from a compound Latin word that means "to come along side" and "to suffer." Today, we began learning what true compassion looks like. We were able to not only visit the tent homes of many people whose homes were what they call "broken", but we also got to come along side and suffer with them as we visited with their broken hearts.  What sights we saw... what words we heard... what tears we cried... what people we met… and what a privilege to share the love of Jesus with them. 

Hundreds of thousands here live in tents made out of blue tarps that we buy at Walmart for a few bucks.  They have few possessions and many have little to look forward to.  Yet in the midst of it all, Jesus offers hope... hope in the form of Nancy sharing a poignant story of her mother.  Hope from John Lindsey who danced like a crazy fool  with the kids (They all think he looks like Jesus!  One guy said, "No - he looks like Judas!"  Hope from Sue B who prayed for healing of many.  Hope from CeCe and Kyle as they prayed with a 90 year old woman.  Hope from Adelle, Kathy and Nikki who prayed for a 15 year old crippled boy in diapers who weighed all of 40 pounds.  Hope from Tim, Donna, Sarah and Phill who gave out supplies to help rebuild the tent homes of these precious people.  Hope as we had three teenagers ask us to pray with them to accept Jesus as Savior.  This is the real deal.  Hope... not any of our own, but the kind only Jesus can give.  And you know how He shows it?  Through the compassion of His children.  Today, we His children, began to learn what true compassion looks like - to do nothing out of selfish ambition, but in humility to consider others better than ourselves by serving them and looking out for their interests.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Hurry Up and Wait

Glen Boardman
It's 7:18 am at Logan airport and our day started 3 1/2 hours ago. Check in was smooth and now we wait.  Many thanks to our friends at Christ  the Rock Church in Dorchester for allowing us to stay there last night.  (only a 15 minute drive to the airport)  After a time of prayer, we all hit the floor for a few hours sleep... 3:45 AM comes awfully early!
We've already had plenty of laughs, great conversations, and I am seeing how God is changing this group from a bunch of indivuals (crazy and unique!) to a unified team with a purpose. 
We'll begin boarding in about and will arrive in Miami at 11:30.  Back on the plane at 2:10 to arrive in Haiti at 4:10.  Shouild be about 95 degrees when we get there...
We'll be giving a bunch of "Shout Outs" on this blog throughout the week.  The first shout out goes to Doug Thomas who sent money to treat the team to Starbucks.  Thank you Doug!
We will continue to post throughout our time in Haiti as often as we have internet access.  Until the next time, we do covet and thank you for your prayers.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Peace in the Process

Donna Wynott
Remember our first meeting when we went around and said what made us sign up for this trip. I didn't have a clue all I felt was God's nudge at that moment. Anyone of you ever look back at what was going on in your life prior to signing up. I think God was preparing me well over a year to go to this trip unknown to me. I think the reason I am so at peace about going is that God has help me make the necessary changes in my life and has put just the right people in my path. The whole year he has given me opportunity to speak to people in need about god. I use to worry too much and my thoughts distracted my mind often. Anyways, One Sunday Pastor Bernie invited anyone to come down front if they have a need for prayer. Next thing I knew it felt like I was yanked out of my seat tossed on god's shoulders and dumped right in front of Pastor Bernie. I don't know what it is about Pastor Bernie but whenever I know he is near it brings me back to school days and the principle is walking the halls so I better be good or hide. Anyways I hear me tell him I need to learn to give my troubles and worries over to god. As someone who had learned to control her surrounding and not trust people completely because of her childhood, giving up control was like breaking down my walls and exposing myself. Fast forward to today,
My 10 yr casa child is in a whole lot of trouble, stole a car and last week he got kicked out of another detention facility, my coworker/friend's son passed away Tuesday night, my job is a around about way hinting that it would be in my best interest to not go to Haiti and last night after our get together my sister-in -law called, her cancer has once again taking a turn fast. I raised my hands to god and said here you go, I trust you. I am at peace that those I love are being cuddled by God's love and that his message to me is to still go to Haiti.

Wants vs Needs

CeCe Quinn
Just wanted to share quick something that happened to me this past weekend...
I was packing up my daily clothes that I plan on wearing and found myself crying and extremely emotional while "DECIDING" what to bring for clothes. I began realizing that I have such an enormous amount of OVERAGE in my life of things to CHOOSE from. What shoes to wear, what pants to wear, sweat shirt to wear, sock, jackets, shirts...t-shirt to day or long sleeve...
what jewelry to wear...excess beyond imagination.
Don't we all to some degree...?
I was convicted of the STUFF I have and where we will be going and the differences in my day to day of choices verses the Haitian Families we will be engaging with....
What I am going to make for dinner tonight...stew, steak, chicken, pasta....
the food I toss at the end of a meal...the amount of food I eat....

WOW...I was so humbled this weekend while packing.
Understand, we do not need to wait to begin debriefing until we get home from our trip...begin now to pray for our lives that we might be mindful of what we NEED in our lives and what we WANT...
We often fee like we NEED something, but I have found that often those are not NEEDS but things I desire to have.
Please note, that it is not wrong to want something beyond our needs, but to choose wisely and to be constantly aware of what we might just be able to do with our surplus of STUFF in our lives that we have and what we might be able to do for others if we stretched our Wants to what we could do for others (neighbors, co-workers, enemies) when we return from Haiti.